Date Published: 11th March 2018
Readers attending Alexander’s events in Dubai and Australia have been taken with a poem he read, The Language of Pilots. This poem is now included in Emirates Literature Festival 10th Anniversary book, For the Love of Words but we are pleased to reproduce it here too.
The language of pilots
By Alexander McCall Smith
They speak with high authority,
Ailerons and wings responsive
To their touch: their words
Are functional too, but
Why, I wonder, should a pilot
Not be a poet too, and say:
“We now descend at last
Through banks of cloud,
White fields as wide
As any ocean, at least when viewed
From where we are,
A few moments ago, or were,
For it is Bernoulli’s principle
That lifts and keeps us here,
Between the patient earth below
And this empty, soaring sky”
“Ladies and gentlemen, rain
Falls in distant veils;
Look from your windows
To the starboard side
Of this metal tube
We call an aircraft;
Look out there, and see
The rain, the grey-white
Shafts of rain; do you know
That those wisps of cloud
You see up above
Are crystals of ice, falling
Like gossamer? Did you
Know that? Now please
About your waists
Affix the belts; you must,
As slowly towards the earth we drop,
To land’s embrace,
(Your belts adjust);
We are a little late, but what
Are a few minutes, nothing more,
Here and there? Not much, I think.
Goodbye, and take with you
The things you brought,
Your few possessions. Goodbye
Until we meet again,
And once more we carry you,
On wings of steel, on wings of steel,
To places you would wish to go;
Goodbye, dear friends, it matters not
Whether you’re a member of
The loyalty scheme we’ve got;
We love you all, as parents
Love their children equally,
Remember that, and please come back.
Goodbye again, and cabin crew
Unbar the doors, let light be seen,
Secure what needs securing and
Cross check, whatever that might mean.
Goodbye: for soon these great engines
On landing will be silenced, and the earth,
The patient earth, our mutual home
Upon which we all may stand or sit,
Will embrace us once again; welcome home.”