Alexander McCall Smith joins the Financial Times‘ Magazine Editor Alice Fishburn in discussion at the FT Weekend Festival. Earlier this year, Alice commissioned Alexander and artist Iain McIntosh to create tiny graphic tales to run in the FT Weekend Arts & Life section for a four month period. No-one could have predicted the pandemic at that time but the joyful publication lifted the spirits of readers in the darkest of times. These tiny graphic tales dance on the taste buds of your mind and were universally well received. They have now been combined with short, short stories in a gorgeous new book, Tiny Tales (to be published early next year). The two discuss the joy of creating fiction through newspapers whether in the form of Scotland Street (now the longest running serial novel in the world) which appears in daily episodes in The Scotsman newspaper or in graphic tale form – the next book in the series A Promise of Ankles, will be published in the Fall. Time allowing, they will also delve into the worlds of Isabel Dalhousie, Ulf Varg and Precious Ramotswe. Join them live online.
Find out more on the FT Weekend Festival website: https://ftweekend.live.ft.com/agenda/session/314460