
Planning a Trip to Scotland? Don’t Miss The Great Tapestry of Scotland

Date Published: 20th August 2020

As Covid-19 struck the UK all construction work came to a halt – as it did in most countries of the world. And with government guidance, work stopped on the build of a permanent home for The Great Tapestry of Scotland. We are delighted to report that the building work has restarted and recent photographs […]

Scotland Street Returns to Scotland’s National Newspaper – The Scotsman (read it online)

Date Published: 10th August 2020

44 Scotland Street makes a welcome return to The Scotsman newspaper today – and it will tickle readers every weekday until Christmas (or thereabouts). Scotland Street is back! Click on the link below and read the first episode of the new series of Scotland Street here and follow it daily in print or online.  It doesn’t matter if […]

Edinburgh’s Isabel Dalhousie is Back (nice chalk work!)

Date Published: 28th July 2020

Edinburgh’s Isabel Dalhousie is back in a new book published today, 28 July 2020 – a welcome treat for all! This is the thirteenth book on the Isabel Dalhousie series. Throw off the (considerable) cares of the world for an hour or two in the company of a good friend – Isabel Dalhousie. The latest […]

Recommended Reading in the Time of Coronavirus – with Alexander McCall Smith

Date Published:

The wonderful people at Literary Hub have pulled together a list of the books writers have been reading during the Coronavirus months. You can find the full list at the link below. It is the best recommended reading resource around and a fascinating insight into the reading habits of those we most admire. They have included the selection […]

Hand of Hope – Anthem for the Easing of Lockdown

Date Published: 16th June 2020

Today heralds the launch of ‘Hand of Hope’, an anthem to commemorate the progressive easing of lockdown in the United Kingdom and worldwide. ‘Hand of Hope’ celebrates the lives of those lost to COVID-19 and the key workers who continue to work tirelessly every day. It is a song for our times conceived to unite global […]

One Reader brings a Rainbow of Books to add a touch of Brightness in Lockdown

Date Published: 19th May 2020

One reader has sent in a photograph of a bright rainbow made up of Alexander McCall Smith book spines. It brings a touch of colour and light in these dark times. Now, spot the ones you haven’t read! And make your own reading rainbow. Bookshelves will never be the same.  

Shine a Light on International Nurses Day

Date Published: 12th May 2020

Today is International Nurses Day and this post is nothing more and nothing less than a sincere and heartfelt ‘thank you‘  to nurses everywhere who have been on the frontline for the fight against Coronavirus. We are asked to shine a light from our windows tonight, 12 May 2020, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence […]

Counting Down to the Big Book Weekend, online

Date Published: 7th May 2020

Some of the UK Literary festivals have combined their strengths during this lockdown period and produced the Big Book Weekend, a long weekend of book events online. Alexander appears tomorrow, Friday 8 May at 11.00am UK time but the event will be recorded and available on their site after the event. Join us for some […]

Alexander McCall Smith Responds to Readers: Video

Date Published: 29th April 2020

In a short video, Alexander McCall Smith responds to readers from his home in Edinburgh. 

For Those Who Care… A Poem of Gratitude

Date Published: 14th April 2020

One of the most striking images of this time of crisis has been that of people coming to the doors of their houses to express their gratitude to doctors, nurses, care workers, and ambulance drivers – and all those working in the hospitals and clinics. This applause for the people who care for others has […]

From Scotland Quarantine – The Los Angeles Times

Date Published: 9th April 2020

Today, Alexander started a new column in the Los Angeles Times – ‘From Scotland Quarantine’ – writing about isolation in Scotland.  He was delighted to be asked and to give a tiny insight into his life in Edinburgh during this difficult period. ‘From city to city, from country to country, people reach out to one another, amidst […]

A Poem for Troubled Times

Date Published: 19th March 2020

These are very difficult times for so many. I have been very touched by the messages that I have received from readers, many of whom are isolated now and are renewing their friendship with Mma Ramotswe and the others. I have written a poem especially for this moment. It comes to you with my warmest wishes, and my hope that you are keeping well. AMcS