
Alexander McCall Smith in Chepstow

Date Published: 3rd September 2010

Another new event to tell you about: Alexander will be calling in on Chepstow on Saturday October 9th, as a guest of the Chepstow Bookshop, en-route to his Cheltenham Literature Festival appearance later on the same day. Details, as always, on the Forthcoming Events page of the website.

Alexander McCall Smith appearing in Stratford Upon Avon and Cheltenham

Date Published: 2nd September 2010

We’ve added details of a couple more public appearances to the Forthcoming Events page of the site: October 7th 2010 – Alexander will be appearing in Stratford Upon Avon to discuss his brand new Isabel Dalhousie novel, The Charming Quirks of Others. October 9th & 10th – Alexander will be a guest of the Cheltenham […]

Alexander McCall Smith in Vancouver, Woody Point and Edinburgh this August

Date Published: 8th July 2010

We’ve just added details of a number of public appearances to the Forthcoming Events page of the site. Alexander will be appearing at the following events later in the year: 16th August : Vancouver Writers Festival 20th & 21st August : Woody Point (Newfoundland) Writers’ Festival 24th – 28th August : Edinburgh International Book Festival […]

Alexander McCall Smith at the 2010 Edinburgh International Book Festival

Date Published: 10th June 2010

Alexander McCall Smith will take part in five events at this year’s Edinburgh International Book Festival, which runs from 14th-30th August. Times, dates and ticket prices are yet to be confirmed – we’ll bring you the details as soon as we know them – but you can sign up to receive information as it’s announced […]

Alexander’s Oddest Book Signing?

Date Published: 31st May 2010

We asked Alexander to tell us about the oddest book signing that he’d attended, and he told us about the time he visited the Wivenhoe Bookshop. Here Alexander entertained (and was entertained by) 20 ladies who meet to knit and discuss the world. He took tea and scones with them in the garden hut at […]

Photos from the Edinburgh peformance of The Okavango Macbeth

Date Published: 20th May 2010

The 1 first UK performance of Alexander McCall Smith’s opera based Introducing on Shakespeare’s Macbeth took place in Edinburgh earlier this month, at the Dovecot cheap mlb jerseys Studios. The performance featured students from the wholesale nba jerseys Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow with members of the Jakarta Edinburgh Studio Opera. […]

Introducing Precious and the Puggies

Date Published: 1st February 2010

This book, written specially by Alexander wholesale NFL jerseys McCall Smith for young readers, is unique for two reasons. First, it is a completely Bellah new story about how Precious Ramotswe, aged eight, solves a mystery at her school. Second, it Alexander has been translated into Scots by James Robertson, and will not be available […]

Alexander McCall Smith charity appeal on behalf of the Alliance for Rabies Control

Date Published: 1st December 2009

Alexander McCall Smith is the patron of the Alliance for Rabies Control wholesale jerseys – a charity that works to control cheap jerseys rabies in Africa wholesale nfl jerseys by wholesale mlb jerseys means of providing vaccinations and and educating people to help prevent the spread of the disease – and has recorded the following […]